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The Old Motor- Comprehensive Online Vintage Automobile Magazine

So it's been a bit for a blog update. But I try and cover things a bit outside the normal of the everyday flooded information and news coming out about Chrysler, Dodge and Mopar in general. So with that in mind I'd like to redirect your attention away from our site a bit. (Please come back though, like pretty please)

So while fishing around the abyss called the internet for photos to add to our new gallery of old historical Dodge/Chrysler/Plymouth/Mopar. I came across a really cool and informative site. This site is solely dedicated to vintage vehicles and news. It relies a lot on the public to provide content. But it takes that ball and runs with it. It covers everything motor vehicle and so much more. I spent an hour just under the Chrysler tag in search and never made a dent into the content. So it doesn't matter what type of brand or make your into, this site is worth a look. Also bookmark/favorite it cause I guarantee you'll be back on it time after time.


So click HERE to be taken to this site. Or click the photo below. And enjoy the history and stories behind the automotive legacies.


The Old Motor


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