Tomorrow Is The Big Day!! Dominic's Tavern
Alright people 24hrs from this post is Dominic Taverns 1st Annual Car show hosted by Dirty Jerz Mopar. Just a reminder cars can come in to lot area from 10am-12pm for registration and set up. (Wipe downs, accessories,etc) Be sure once you park and before you start final preps on you car you come up to the registration table and check in. If your not registered, and we do not have a signed waiver from you then you can not participate. You will then be given your dash card to fill out with your vehicle number. Your vehicle number will be told to you by the people working the registration table. Numbers are given by alphabetical names on list not by who was first in line. All voting needs to be completed by 3pm so that Dominic's Tavern Staff can count and assign the winners. Dirty Jerz Mopar will have nothing to do with the counting of ballots or assignment of winners. The top 3 peoples choice will be chosen by the peoples votes. ( most votes 1st place,2nd most votes 2nd place, guessed it 3rd most votes 3rd place) Dominic's will also be responsible for pulling the signed ballots for the door prizes to be given out. Ballot box for votes willl be located inside Dominic's tavern, and all winners announcements and door prizes will be announced inside beginning at 4pm. Parking for spectators(see picture above) will be one block over on spruce same side as show in the church parking lot. There are two church lot available. If on street parking please do not block anyone's driveway or park in yellow curb lines. We are not responsible for fines or tow charges. Pray mother nature is nice to each and everyone of us, and see everyone tomorrow.