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Some Things In The Works For DJM

Cars&Custard Deptford Skating Rink

Working on a couple projects for shows and meets. All with in the Camden County and Burlington County area for now. Will keep everyone posted as things become more final. We have posted more event flyers in the Calendar of Events section. And also added to the calendar itself. Be sure to read the details on them as some events are for 1991 and older vehicles only. And some have entry fees, registration times and cut offs on amount of vehicles allowed. 2016 has started off a bit slower then we hoped for everyone and all events mainly cause of the recent weather we have had. Which ends up making 4-5 events pushed to the same weekend and people having to chose which one to attend instead of being able to go to a few in a weekend. So asking everyone to cross their fingers and hope for better weather to come. As always feel free to contact us with any questions and with any information you would like to share. Ps. Will be adding a ride of the month page soon to our site. Showcasing everyones hard work and dedication to their rides. This will be open to everyone not just people who are Dirty jerz Mopar members. But yes it will remain Mopar only features, unless it is something speacial for us to cover. Co-founder Clifford Luck

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