2016 With Dirty Jerz Mopar
With the weather finally breaking in our area I thought maybe I'd say a few words about this year and a little thank you to all our members. First from myself and all the Co-founders I want to thank all the members of Dirty jerz Mopar who have been with us from the beginning and all that have recently joined us. I know we all come together because of our cars, but it never takes long for us all to become friends (aka Mopar Family) and share in other areas outside just our rides. We have a pretty diverse membership and we wouldnt have it any other way. I know some members cant make it out as much as others but you are stilling staying involved in some way and that is all we ask. Dont be strangers or feel like you shouldnt come out to an event becuase you have been absent. Its a whole new year and as the long summer days start everyones schedule will change. We (Dirty Jerz Mopar) are trying to schedule more events during week and weekends that way there is something availible for all work/school/life schedules. Best way to start keeping up is to check our Calendar Of Events Page and if on social media add our group facebook pageDirty Jerz South Jersey Mopar) and fanpage ( Dirty Jerz Mopar). Our group page has over 300 members as of now and is growing. Its a great spot for local moparians to share information on everything from vehicles to events upcoming. So once again thank you all, and also a special thank you to our Officers Harry S and Nicholas P for helping us with the bourden of keeping up with everything.And our resident member photographers Dan, Tim, Harry, Fred and Melissa. Almost all our website content is from them and this site wouldnt look half as good without thier photos. Be sure to check out their galleries also. Well if you made reading this far, thank you all again. And lets grow together in 2016. Clifford Luck

CO-Founder/Website Admin